Saturday, August 22, 2015

I see you

       Hey mom driving in the mini van yawning at 3pm. I see you. I see you struggling to get through the day without a nap. I see you making trips to Target with your crew right beside you. I see you herding your kids like cattle  to get in the store while holding their hands, pulling up purse straps, and carrying that infant seat. I have seen you at home cleaning the living room only to find the kids have made a mess in the just cleaned bathroom. I have seen you struggle to stay awake past 7pm and I have seen you up all night tending to sick ones. I have seen you feel alone, overwhelmed, and loved all on the same instant.
        I have seen you not because I am there, but  because I have been there. I have done the early mornings, late nights, diaper changes, spit up cleaner, dish, hair, and clothes washer, fixers of all things broken, mender of broken hearts, lover of all things possible, discipliner, best friend, worst enemy, story reader, prayer warrior, seamstress, chauffeur, chef, and  house cleaner. You are not alone momma. Those moments when you feel like you can't handle another day at home cleaning up poop and left over lunch, remember you are not alone. When you think you are the only one who just wants to sit quietly for 5 minutes in the bathroom or take an extra long stroll around the grocery store please remember you are not alone. Other moms have been in your shoes before and so many are in your shoes now! You are not alone little momma! Your job is worth it! So hard, but so worth it! I know it seems like you are doing the same thing over and over and with no end in sight. It may seem like those precious, beautiful, bratty, wonderful, perfect kids of yours aren't learning anything. Trust me they are! Every mess you clean up, meal you make, outfit you wash, and  problem you solve is appreciated and seen.
        God created each of us to raise these amazing little beings into self sufficient, God loving, contributors to society. As a mother myself so often I feel like I am failing at the biggest job God has given me. The days that I want to pull my hair out and quit I just have to remember to hand it over the Creator himself and let him take over. Raising children is a full time job and God did not intend for us to do it alone. Turn to your fellow mothers for help and turn to God for guidance.  You are not alone momma! I see you and I am praying for you!
I can do all things through him who strengthens me. – Philippians 4:13For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.” – Isaiah 41:13And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. – Galatians 6:9

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